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Sheshat, Secretary.
[to Whom the fifteenth day of June, day 166, is dedicated]

Geography/Culture: Egyptian. Heliopolis.
Description: Goddess of the stars; Inventrix of measurement, mathematics and hieroglyphics; Matron of architects and historians; Overseer of writers and literature; Record-keeper of the Deities; Great One, 'Lady-of-the-House-of-Books'; Celestial Librarian; 'Mistress-of-the-House-of-Architects'; Foundress of temples; Fateful-One; She Who measures the length of lives with palm branches; She Who dwells near the Tree of Life and writes the names of pharoahs on its leaves; She Who drafts the minutes of jubilee celebrations; She Who verifys inventories.
To Whom Sacred: panther; two plumes; palm-leaf; ink-palette and writing reed; Library; star and crescent; uraeus; 7-branched star (which signs all creatures).
Iconography: She was at first portrayed wearing on Her head a star inscribed in a reversed crescent, surmounted by two long straight plumes, (the ideogram of Her name). Later, due probably to a misunderstanding the crescent was replaced by two long, turned-down horns from which Her title was derived. She wears a close-fitting panther-skin garment and holds a scribe's palette and writing-reed.
Male Associate: brother/consort, Thoth. Some say She is simply his double. Her spheres of measurement and writing became attributed to him. Source: Ions EM 86-87; Lubicz H image 197, image pl VI 27; Mercatante 140, 189-190; New Larousse EM 28.
Renpet, Mistress-of-Eternity.

Geography/Culture: Egyptian.
Description: Goddess of time and the year's duration; Queen of spring-time and youth.
Her connection with spring-time aligns Her with many Goddesses.
To Whom Sacred: palm-shoot, curled at the tip (which is an ideogram of Her name, often worn on Her head -- the palm is a birth tree). Source: Mercante .WWEM 131; NLEM.
Sefkhet-Aabut, She-Who-Raises-Two-Horns.

Alternate meaning: She-Who-Wears-Two-Horns.
Geography/Culture: Egyptian.
Description: Goddess of literature and the recording of history; Great One; Lady of the house of books; {Matron of historians}.
To Whom Sacred: panther {I wonder if She wears a panther skin because a panther's spots suggested a form of writing and so symbolized the Egyptian script}; scribes palette; writing reed; libraries.
Iconography: She wears a close-fitting panther-skin garment and hold's a scribe's palette and writing reed.
Male Associates: Thoth, god of wisdom. Source:Mercatante WWEM 140; New Larousse EM 28.
worked on: June 17, 1990; July 30, 1991; May, June 1995.
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