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Index of HER Sons, Lovers, Consorts, etc.
- Abel, Born-Only-to-Die. Son of Eve.
- Adam, ---. Consort of Eve
- Adonis, Lord, vegetation God. Consort (? or lover?) of Aphrodite.
- Aeacus, Bewailing, or Earth-Born. Consort of Endeis qv Theia
- Aenaes, Praiseworthy. Deified in Rome as Jupiter-Indiges. Son of Aphrodite.
- Aeolus, Earth-Destroyer. God of the winds. Consort of Enarete qv
Alycone. Raped Menalippe qv Theia.
- Ahti, ---, God of waters. Consort of Vellamo qv Vete-Ema.
- Ahriman, ---, (or Angra-Mainya), the spirit of destruction.
Son of Zurvan-Akarana. Az
is his very essence. He is also associated with Jeh.
- Aigipan, [All-Goat]. Son of Aega.
- Aleyin, ---. Go to Baal.
- Ama-No-Oshiho-Mimi, son of Amaterasu-Omikami.
- Airavata.
- Amphictyon, Fastener-Together. Founder of the
Amphictyonic League, perhaps the name of the chief priest. Masculinzation of Amphictyonis. Consort of Crane
qv Amphictyonis. Son of Pyrrha qv Amphictyonis.
- Amphion, With-the-Moon-on-Either-Side-of-Him, son of Antiope.
See also Dioscuri.
- Amphissus, some say son of Dryope Oak-Face, by Apollo.
- Amphitryon, Harassing-on-either-side, first consort of Alcmene.
- Amurru, ---. God of the west. Consort of Qadesh qv Anath.
- Anchises, Living-with-Isis. Lover of Aphrodite.
- Anthedon, Rejoicing-in-Flowers, title of the Cretan spring-flower
hero incarnate in every Late Minoan King. Perhaps consort of Antheia.
- Anthas, Flowery. Fathered by Poseidon, son
of Alcyone (2).
- Anu, of Erech, chief god of the highest heaven. Consort of Anatu (qv Anna-Nin),
Ashratum (qv Asherah), Ishtar.
- Apollo, Destroyer, or Apple-Man. Seducer of Menalippe qv
Theia. Some say father of Amphissus, by Dryope Oak-Face.
- Ares, Male-Warrior, war God. Lover of Aphrodite.
- Asclepious, (variant Asclepius, Unceasingly-Gentle.
Associated with Hecate; consort/father of Hygeia Health-Bringer.
- Asopus, [Never-Silent], river god. Consort of Metope qv Antiope.
- Athamas, Reaper-on-High. Son of Enarete qv Alcyone
- Athtar, [He-Who-Irrigates]. God manifest in the planet Venus. Probably
the origin of Ishtar's warlike qualities and therefore associated with Dilbah.
- Avalokiteshvara, He-Who-Hears-the-Cries-of-the-World. Indian
bodhisattva of compassion who became the Chinese Goddess of Compassion, Kuan-Shih-Yin. In India he is the
consort of Tara.
- Baal, Lord, (also called Aleyin). Fertility
god of water and the waxing year. Brother/consort/son of Anath.
- Barbarossa, the sleeping king in the mountain. Male associate of Hulda
- Bel, another name forEnlil.
- Blood-clot-Boy, son of Ohoyo-Osh-Chishba.
- Bran, Crow, (or Raven), and Alder, brother of Branwen.
Son of Iweridd, qv Branwen, by consort Llyr-Lladiath,
- Buri. Associated with Authumla.
- Cain, ---. Son of Eve.
- Ceberus, Demon-of-the-Pit, hound of hell, associated with Hecate
- Cecropes, Faces-with-Tails. Sons of Theia.
- Celeus, King of Eleusis--who represents one of the priestly heads of the Amphictyonic League. Consort of Metaneira qv Iambe.
- Ceyx, Sew-Mew, son of the morning star. Consort of Alcyone.
- Charun, Fierce-Brightness. His companions and helpers are the Vanths,
qv Culsu.
- Cheiron, Hand. Consort of Chariclo qv Theia.
- Crethus, Ruler. Son of Enarete qv Alcyone.
- Crisus, ---. Son of Endeis qv Theia.
- Culhwch,. Consort of Olwen.
- Dagda, The-Good. Lover/consort of Boann.
- Deion, Despoiler. Son of Enarete qv Alcyone.
- Derwydd, Oak-Seer (i.e. druid). Lover of Druantia
- Deucalion, Sweet-Wine. Consort of Pyrrha qv Amphictyonis.
- Dionysus, Lame-God. God of the vine, and wine. Lover of Aphrodite.
Son of Dione Bright-Sky, by Zeus. Male associate of the Hyades Rainy-Ones, Who were his Nurses.
- Dioscuri, Sons-of-Zeus, the morning and evening star, or the sacred
king and his tanist, worshipped with white horses. Sons of Antiope by Zeus rape.
- Ea,, {He-who-is-Housed-in-Water}. Babylonian god of the Waters,
particularly associated with the city of Eridu. Consort of Dam-Kina. See alsoMarduk.
- Efnissyen, Son of Penarddun, qv, Branwen.
- Enki, Lord-of-That-Which-is-Below, title of Ea.
- El, ---. In Jerusalem consort of Anath.
- Enlil, Sumero-Babylonian god of the air, wind and storms. Sometimes regarded
as son of Anu. Assimilated by Marduk. (variants: Ellil,
En-lil). Consort of Nin-Lil.
Everes, ---. Lover or consort of Chariclo qv Theia.
- Epopeus, He-Who-Sees-All, King of Sicyon. First consort of Antiope.
- Eros, Erotic-Love. Son of Aphrodite.
- Father-Sun, Mayan. Consort of Alaghom-Naom.
- Gucumatz, the feathered snake, civilizing and agricultural god, son of Hun-Ahpu-Myte by Alaghom-Naom. {Something wrong here, see Hun-apu-Vuch}
- Gwern, Alder. King of Ireland. Son of Branwen by Her consort:
Matholwch, King of Ireland,
- Hapi, ---. Egypt. Divine Shehe of the Nile.
- Helios, The-Sun. Son of Theia,
- Haroeris, falcon God, whose eyes were the sun and the moon. Also known
as Horus, the Elder. The son, and or consort of, Hat-Hor.
- Heracles, Glory-of-Hera. Son of Alcmene, fathered by Zeus, foster-son
of Hera qv Alcmene. Heracles, consort of Hebe She-Who-Removes-From-Sight.
- Hephaestus, He-Who-Shines-By-Day, smith god. Consort of
- Hermes, [though surely Mercury is meant]. Consort of Lara. Some say father
of Pan, by Dryope, Oak-Face.
- Hippasus, Horseman. Son of Alcyone (1).
- Horus, the Younger. Latinization of Egyptian Hor, Face. Son of Isis.
- Hun-Ahpu-Myte, ---, father of Gucumatz by Alaghom-Naom. {Something wrong here - see next}
- Hun-apu-Vuch, Grandfather, god of the sun. Consort of
Hun-Ahpu-Myte qv Alaghom-Naom.
- Hyperion, The-One-Above, sun god. Brother/consort of Theia.
- Hypernor, Overbearing. Fathered by Poseidon, son of Alcyone (2).
- Hyrieus, Of-the-Bee-Hives, fathered by Lycus
or Poseidon, son of Alcyone (2).
- Ifa, ---, god of divination, one of Oshun's lovers.
- Iphicles, Famous-Might, fathered by Amphitryon, son of Alcmene.
- Joachim, consort (in Her christianised form) of Anne, Gracious-One.
(In early Christianity She conceived without the action of man).
- Jupiter, also called Jove,. Brother/consort of Juno.
- Jupiter-Indiges, qv Aenaes or Aphrodite.
- Kamrusepas, ---. Hittite. Divine magician. Associated with
Hannahannas. {Is it possible the element -sepas is related to Sapas, even Kamru- to
Keret, qv below, as though a meaning of: Arms-of-the-Sun, ie. the magic of the sun's rays, might be
created for his name?}
- Karttikeya, God of war. Associated with the Krttikas qv Ambika.
- Keret, ---. Mesopotamian: Phoenicia. Soldier of Sapas, Sun Goddess, qv Anath.
- Khnemu, (Khnum,) ---. Associated with Satis and Anuket
- Khnum, consort of Anuket, She-Who-Embraces. {one or other of
Khumn, or Khnum is probably a typo}.
- Khumn, sometimes said to be consort of Heket, Great-Magician. See
also Shu {one or other of Khumn, or khnum is probably a typo}.
- Kittu, ---, God of justice. Son of Aa.
- Krstnik, Christ, a mortal loved by a Vila, qv Rozanica.
- Ladon, serpent coiled around apple-tree, male associate of the Hesperides,
- Lao-Tzu, The-Old-Master, god of blacksmiths, lover of Tao-Mu.
- Lares, [Progenitors], fertility gods of the home, two in number, who also
gaurded people. Sons of Lara or Mania qv Angerona.
- Llyr, The-Sea, (the original of King Lear). Consort of
Penarddun, qv Branwen.
- Lycus, Wolf. Perhaps lover of Alcyone (2). The name of both consort
and son of Dirce qv Antiope.
- Macareus, Happy. Son of Enarete qv Alcyone.
- Manawyddan, (identical to Gaelic Manannan Mac Lir, god of
the sea and the underworld. Son of Penarddun, qv Branwen.
- Manes, ---, (or Keres, ---), good spirits of the dead.
Sons of Lara or Mania qv Angerona.
- Mars, son of Jupiter.
- Marduk, son of Dam-Kina, Lady-of-the-Earth. See also Ea.
Matholwch, King of Ireland. Consort of Branwen, father of Gwern.
- Melisseus, Honey-Man, masculinization of Melissa qv Aega.
- Menelaus, consort of Helene, Bright-Moon, in literary figure form.
- Merlin, male associate of Rhiannon, Great-Queen.
- Misharu, ---, God of law. Son of Aa.
- Mithra, ---, God of waters. Consort of, or associated with Anahita.
- Mot, Death, Spirit of harvest, god of sterility and the waning year.
Adversary of Anath by whom he is slain.
- Mu-Kung, ---, consort of Hsi-Wang-Mu.
- Native, Produced-by-Nature, son of Nature. {Crystalization of Holladay
- Nation, The-People-of-the-Earth, son(s) of Nature. {Crystalization of
Holladay Paganism}.
- Naubolus, ---. Son of Endeis, qv Theia.
- Nereus, Wet-One. Consort of Doris qv Thetis.
- Nim-Ac, [Twice-Father], male counterpart of Nima-Tziis,
- Ningirsu, Sumero-Babylonian god of rain and fertility, son of Enlil. Consort
of Bau (qv Gula-Bau).
- Ningursu, Babylonian. {perhaps variant of above}.
- Ninib, is given as a variant of Ningursu in one source, while another says
Ninib is an erroneous reading for Ninurta.
- Ninurta, Throne-Carrier, Sumero Babylonian god of rain and fertility,
son of Enlil. {I wonder why Enlil has two sons both gods of rain and fertility}.
- Nissyen, son of Penarddun, qv Branwen.
- Oceanos, Of-the-Swift-Queen, God of the sea. Lover of Theia.
- Odysseus. Associated with Circe.
- Oenopion, consort of Helice, [Spiraling-One].
- Ogun, ---, god of iron. One of Oshun's consorts.
- Ometecuhtli. Consort of Omecihuatl.
- Orestheus, Dedicated-to-the-Mountain-Goddess. Son of Pyrrha qv
- Orishala, ---. One of Oshun's lovers.
- Ormazd, The-Wise-Lord, (or Ahura-Mazda), the spirit of
good. Son of Zurvan-Akarana. His consort was "the Sky", by Whom he fathered Spenta-Aramaiti.
- Osanyinu, ---, god of medicine. One of Oshun's lovers.
- Osiris, --- brother/consort of Isis.
- Pan, Pasture, may have fathered Aigipan. Some
say son of Dryope, Oak-Face, by Hermes.
- Panopeous, All-Viewing, or Full-Moon. Son of Endeis qv
- Phaethon, brother of the Heliades, Daughters-of-the-Sun.
- Peleus, Muddy. Perhaps the title of a sacred king after he's been
anointed with sepia. Son of Endeis qv Theia. Son of Thetis.
- Perieres, Surrounded-by-Entrenchments. Son of Enarete qv Alcyone.
- Phasis, ---. Son of Menalippe qv Theia.
- Phocus, Seal. Consort of Endeis qv Theia. Second consort of Antiope.
- Pittheus, Pine-God. Masuclinization of Pitthea qv Antheia.
- Poseidon, He-Who-Gives-To-Drink-From-the-Wooded-Mountains.
Lover of Alcyone (2).
- Priapus, Pruner-of-the-Pear-Tree. Son of Aphrodite.
- Purusa, ---. Consort of Prakrti.
- Rex-Nemorensis, King-of-the-Grove, also called Virbius. Priest of Diana, Divine-Queen.
- Rhadamanthys, Divining-with-a-Wand, one of the three judges
of the dead; he lives in the Elysian fields. Second consort of Alcmene.
- Robigus, ---. Roman. Consort of Flora.
- Salmoneus, Beloved-of-the-Goddess-Salma. Son of Enarete qv
- Sama-el, (title) lord of death. Sacred king and consort of Hannahannas,
- Sangarius, Fit-for-Canoes, river God. Perhaps lover of Metope qv
- Set, see Seth
- Seth, ---. Variant: Set. Consort of Anat qv Anath.
- Shamash, ---, of Sippar, sun god, consort of Aa.
- Shango, ---. One of Oshun's consorts.
- Shopona, ---, god of smallpox. One of Oshun's consorts.
- Shu, sometimes said to be consort of Heket, Great-Magician. See also
- Sisyphus, Very-Wise. Son of Enarete qv Alcyone.
- Siva, Consort of Annapurna (as benevolent form of Durga).
- Surya, Stimulator, sun god, consort of Usas.
- Susa-no-wo, ---. God of the sea, or some say, the subterranean
world. Brother/Consort of Amaterasu-Omikami.
- Teiresias, He-Who-Delights-in-Signs. Son of Chariclo qv Theia.
- Telemon, ---. Son of Endeis qv Theia.
- Telipinu, ---. Hittite. God of fertility. Associated with Hannahannas.
- Teshub, consort of Hepat Earth-Mother.
- Tezcatlipocas, sons of Ometecuhtli.
- Thou. Male aspect of the Divine Thou, The-Self-Addressed.
{Crystalization of Holladay Paganism}.
- Tung-Wang-Kung, Lord-King-of-the-East, consort of
- Ugra, Powerful-One. Consort of Diksa, Consecration.
- Urashima-Taro. Associated with Oto-Hime
- Vishnu. Associated with Vac.
- Virbius, ---. See Rex-Nemorensis.
- Vulcan, ---. Associated with Vesta.
- Xpiyacoc, [Sorcerer], god of crafts. Associated with Xmucane qv
- Yahweh, ---, in Elephantine consort of Anath.
- Yu-Ti, ---, consort of Wang-Mu-Niang-Niang qv Hsi-Wang-Mu.
- Zethus, Seeker. Son of Antiope. See also Dioscuri.
- Zeus, Bright-Sky. Consort of Hera. He may have fathered Aigipan on Aega. His wet-nurses were Aega, Amalthea and Melissa. He fathered Heracles on Alcmene
while disguised as Amphitryon, Her consort. He Raped Antiope in the form of a satyr.