return to Home Page
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of all
used in the work-in-progress
and related projects
as of August, 1995
- Adams, Richard [A,R/][author code]
- - [M][title code] Maia. Signet Books 1984.
- Adler, Margot, [n/a]
- - [DDM] Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers, and Other Pagans in
America today. Beacon Press, Boston 1979.
- Allen, Paula Gunn [A,PG/]
- - [SH] The Sacred Hoop. Beacon Press, Boston 1986.
- Andronicus, Manolis [A,M/]
- - [D] Delphi. Ekdotike Athenon S.A. Athens 1979.
- anonymous [anon/]
- - [FTNYB] 4000 Names for Your Baby. Dell Publishing Co 1979.
- - [BPR] A Book of Pagan Rituals. Samuel Weiser Inc, New York 1978.
- - [DBNACA] The Danaa: The Book of Nicoleos Athenadorus to the Children of Athena. Danaan
Aristanai Press, San Francisco 1983.
- - [NGAT] National Geographic Alas of the World, Sixth Edition. National Geographic 1990.
- Attwater, Donald [A,D/]
- - [PDS] The Penguin Dictionary of Saints. Penguin Books, Baltimore 1966.
- author unrecorded [Aunrec/]
- - [OICBM] It's an Old Irish Custom to Believe in the Miraculous. {Library book, publisher & year
- - [Imm] The Immortals. {library book, publisher & year unrecorded}.
- - [RB] The Role of the Brain. {library book, publisher & year unrecorded}.
- - [WLM] The World's Last Mysteries. {library book, publisher & year unrecorded}.
- - [VSL] Village Seasonal Life. {library book, publisher & year unrecorded}.
- - [WJHleaf] Weaverville Joss House leaflet June 1985. {temporarily unable to locate} 1985.
- Bachofen, J.J. [B,JJ/]
- - [MRMR] Myth, Religion and Mother Right: Selected Writings of J.J. Bachofen. Princeton University
Press, Bollingen Series LXXXIV 1973.
- Balin, Peter [B,P/]
- - [FFS] The Flight of the Feathered Serpent. Wisdom Garden Books, Venice, California 1978.
- Baring, Anne and Jules Cashford [n/a]
- - [MG] The Myth of the Goddess: Evolution of an Image. Arkana Penguin Books. 1993.
- Bascom, William [B,W/]
- - [YS] The Yoruba of Southwestern Nigeria. Holt, Reinhart and Winston, New York 1969.
- Batten, Juliet [acquired 1995 author code never used]
- -- [CSS] Celebrating the Southern Seasons: Rituals for Aotearoa. Tandem Press, North Shore City, New Zealand. 1995.
- Begg, Ean [B,E/]
- - [CBV] The Cult of the Black Virgin. Arkana, Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, New York 1986.
- Bernal, Ignacio [B,I/]
- - [TTYALM] 3000 Years of Art and Life in Mexico. Harry N. Abrams, Inc, New York.
- Bernal, Martin [n/a]
- - [BA] Black Athene: The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization. Volume I: the Fabrication of
Ancient Greece 1785-1985. Rugers University Press, New Brunswick, New Jersey 1988.
- - [BAv2] Black Athena: The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization. Volume II: The
Archaeological and Documentary Evidence. Rugers University Press, New Brunswick, New Jersey 1991.
- Beth, Rae [n/a]
- - [WGSW] Hedgewitch: A Guide to Solitary Witchcraft. Robert Hale, London 1990. {no longer in my
- Bett, Henry [B,H]
- - [GC] The Games of Children: Their Origin and History. Methuen and Co, London 1929.
- Bierhorst, John Editor [B,J/]
- - [SP] The Sacred Path: Spells, Prayers and Power Songs of the American Indians. William Morrow
and Company, New York 1983.
- Bierhorst, John [B,J/]
- - [MNA] The Mythology of North America. William Morrow and Company, New York 1985.
- Blofeld, John [B,J/]
- - [TRI] Taoism: The Road to Immortality. Shambhala, Boulder 1978.
- - [BC] The Bodhisattva of Compassion: The Mystical Tradition of Kuan Yin. Shambhala, Boulder
- Blum, Ralph [B,R/]
- - [BR] The Book of Runes. St. Martin's Press 1983.
- Bly, Robert [B,R/]
- - [GMNF] Robert Bly on The Great Mother & the New Father. Article: East West Journal, August
- Bord, Janet and Colin [n/a]
- - [SW] Sacred Waters: Holy Wells and Waterlore in Britain and Ireland. Paladin Grafton Books,
London 1986.
- Boer, Charles translator [B,C/]
- - [HH] The Homeric Hymns. Spring Publications, Dallas, Texas 1970.
- Bolen, Jean Shinoda [B,JS/]
- - [GE] Goddesses in Everywoman: A New Psychology of Women. Harper & Row, San Francisco,
CA 1984.
- Brannigan, Prof. K. Editor [B,K/]
- - [AA] Atlas of Archeology. St Martin's Press, New York 1982.
- Branston, Brian [B,B/]
- - [GN] Gods of the North. Thames and Hudson 1980.
- - [LGE] The Lost Gods of England. Thames and Hudson 1984.
- Briffault, Robert [B,R/]
- - [M] The Mother's. Atheneum, New York 1977.
- Browder, Sue [B,S/]
- - [NABNB] The New Age Baby Name Book. Warner Books 1974.
- Brown, Norman O. [B,NO/]
- - [HT] Hermes the Thief: The Evolution of a Myth. Vintage Books, Random House, New York 1969.
- Bruyn, A.G. de [B,AG/]
- - [GGOO] Geesten en Goden: in Oud Oldenzaal. Drukkerij J. Verhaag, Oldenzaal 1929.
- Budapest, Zsuzsanna Emese [B,ZE/]
- - [HBWMp1] The Holy Book of Women's Mysteries: Based on the Dianic Tradition Passed Down
Through Masika Szilagyi, Part 1. Susan B. Anthony Coven No. 1, 1979.
- [HBWMp2] The Holy Book of Women's Mysteries: Based on the Dianic Tradition Passed Down Through
Masika Szilagyi, part 2. Susan B. Anthony Coven No. 1, 1979.
- Budge, E.A. Wallis [B,EAW]
- - [BD] The Book of the Dead: The Hieroglyphic Transcript of the Papyrus of Ani. University Books,
New York 1970.
- - [GEv1] The Gods of the Egyptians: Or Studies in Egyptian Mythology. Volume 1. Dover
Publications, New York 1969.
- - [GEv2] The Gods of the Egyptians: Or Studies in Egyptian Mythology. Volume 2. Dover
Publications, New York 1969.
- Bullfinch, Thomas [B,T/]
- - [AF] The Age of Fable: or The Beauties of Mythology. The Heritage Press, New York 1942.
- Burland et al, Cottie [B,C/]
- - [MA] Mythology of the Americas. Paul Hamlyn 1970.
- Bynner, Witter Translator [B,W/]
- - [WLAL] The Way of Life: According to Laotzu. Editions Poetry, London 1946.
- calendars [cal/]
- - [DC'82] Druid's Calendar 1982. {publisher unrecorded}.
- - [GMC'84] God the Mother Calendar 1984. {publisher unrecorded}.
- - [HS'87] Herstory 1987. New Women's Press, Auckland.
- - [CPD'79] The Christian Pocket Diary 1979. {publisher unrecorded}.
- - [W'81] Wilderness 1981. Sierra Club.
- Campbell, Joseph Editor [C,J/]
- - [MPEY] The Mysteries: Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks, Volume 2. Princeton University Press,
Bolligen Series XXX 1978.
- Campbell, Joseph [C,J/]
- - [MLB] Myths to Live By. Bantam Books 1973.
- - [HTF] The Hero With a Thousand Faces. Meridian Books, New York 1960.
- - [MGcrea] The Masks of God: Creative, Volume 4. Viking Compass Book 1964.
- - [MGocc] The Masks of God: Occidental, Volume 2. Viking Compass Book 1964.
- - [MGori] The Masks of God: Oriental, Volume 3. Viking Compass Book 1964.
- - [MGprim] The Masks of God: Primitive, Volume 1. Viking Compass Book 1964.
- - [MI] The Mythic Image. Princeton University Press, Bollingen Series C 1981.
- Carlyon (comp), Richard [C,R/]
- - [GG] A Guide to the Gods. Quill: William Morrow and Company, New York 1982.
- catalogs [n/a]
- - [1995 ECS] The 1995 Ethnobotanical Catalog of Seeds. Catalog number 56, January 1995. Published
by J. L. Husdon, Seedsman. Star Route 2, Box 337, La Honda, California, 94020 USA.
- Cavendish (ed), Richard [C,R/]
- - [MIE] Mythology: An Illustrated Encyclopedia. Rizzoli International Publications Inc, New York
- Christie, Anthony [C,A/]
- - [CM] Chinese Mythology. Paul Hamlyn 1968.
- Cicero [C/]
- - [NG] The Nature of the Gods. Penguin Classics 1972.
- Cirlot, J.E. [C,JE/]
- - [DS] Dictionary of Symbols. Philosophical Library, New York 1962.
- Claiborne, Robert [n/a]
- - [RE] The Roots of English: A Reader's Handbook of Word Origins. Times Books 1989.
- Clodd, Edward [C,E/]
- - [SA] The Story of the Alphabet. {library book - publisher and year unrecorded}.
- collection(s) [col/]
- - [ARAS] ARAS files {at the S.F. Yungian Institute}.
- Colum, Padraic [n/a]
- - [MW] Myths of the World, Original title: Orpheus. Grosset & Dunlap, New York 1976.
- Cooper, Arthur [C,A/]
- - [CP] Chinese pronunciation given when I was in England. manuscript notes 1982.
- Cooper, J.C. [C,JC/]
- - [IETS] An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols. Thames & Hudson, London 1978.
- Cotterell, Arthur editor [n/a]
- - [PEA] The Penguin Encyclopedia of Ancient Civilizations. Penguin Books 1988.
- Cotterell, Arthur [C,A/]
- - [DWM] A Dictionary of World Mythology. Perigee Books 1979.
- Cottle, Basil [C,B/]
- - [PDS] The Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Penguin Books 1984.
- Couchoud, Paul-Louis Introduction by [C,PL/]
- - [AMDDEM] Asiatic Mythology: A Detailed Description & Explanation of the Mythologies of All
the Great Nations of Asia. Crescent Books {no publication date.}
- Cozens, A.C. [C,AC/]
- - [CS] The Calendar of Saints. Morehouse-Gorham Co, New York 1950.
- Curtis, Natalie [C,N/]
- - [IB] The Indians' Book. Dover Publications, New York 1968.
- Davaras, Costis [D,C/]
- - [PK] The Palace of Knossos. Editions Hannibal, Athens.
- Davidson, H.R.Ellis [D,HRE/]
- - [GMNE&71] Gods and Myths of Northern Europe {same as #71, different edition}. Pelican/Penguin,
- Davidson, H.R.Ellis [D,HRE/]
- - [SMAI&74] Scandinavian Mythology, abrid. & illus {same as #74, different edition}. Paul Hamlyn
- Deneck, Marguerita-Marie [D,M/]
- - [IA] Indian Art. Paul Hamlyn 1970.
- Desroches [Des/]
- - [T] Tutankhamen. {library book - publisher & year unrecorded}.
- dictionaries [dic/]
- - [ELLED] English-Latin, Latin-English Dictionary {unbound, no other info}. {Publisher & year
- - [CEOED] The Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford University Press 1985.
- - [NMWPD] The New Merriam-Webster Pocket Dictionary. Pocket Books, New York 1964.
- Diner, Helen [D,H/]
- - [MA] Mother's and Amazons. {not in my possession - publisher & year unrecorded}.
- Doria & Lenowitz Editors and translators [D&L/]
- - [OCTAM] Origins: Creation texts from the Ancient Mediterranean. Anchor Books, Doubleday, New
York 1976.
- Downing, Christine [D,C/]
- - [GMIF] The Goddess: Mythological Images of the Feminine. The Crossroad Publishing Company,
New York 1981.
vDriver, Harold E. [D,HE/]
- - [INA] Indians of North America. University of Chicago Press 1975.
- Dunkling, Leslie [D,L/]
- - [NADFN] The New American Dictionary of First Names. Signet 1983.
- Durant, Will [D,W/]
- - [SC] The Story of Civilization: Part 1: Our Oriental Heritage. Simon and Schuster, New York 1954.
- Durán, Fray Diego [D,FD/]
- - [BGRAC] Book of Gods and Rites of the Ancient Calendar. University of Oklahoma Press 1977.
- Eisler, Riane [Eisler]
- - [CB] The Chalice and the Blade: Our History, Our Future. Harper & Row, San Francisco 1988.
- Eliot, Alexander [E,A/M]
- - [M] Myths. McGraw-Hill Book Co 1976.
- Encyclopedia [ency/]
- - [EAv#] Encyclopedia Americana International Edition, 30 Volumes. Americana Corporation, New
York 1968.
- - [EByrv# & ed11] Encyclopedia Britannica, 32 Volumes, eleventh edition. Encyclopedia Britannica,
New York.
- - [EByrv#] Encyclopedia Britannica, 32 Volumes, thirteenth edition. Encyclopedia Britannica Co, Ltd,
London 1926.
- - [EByrv#] Encyclopedia Britannica. ?th edition. Chigago: Encyclopedia Britannica, 1947
- Erdoes & Ortiz Editors [E&O]
- - [AIML] American Indian Myths and Legends. Pantheon Books, New York 1984.
- Evans, Ivor H. [n/a]
- - [BDPF] Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. Centenary Edition, Revised. Harper & Row 1981.
- Evans Wents, W.Y. Editor and Compiler [EW,WY/]
- - [TBD] The Tibetian Book of the Dead: Or The After-Death Experiences on the Bardo Plane. Oxford
University Press 1969.
- Evans Wents, W.Y. [EW,WY/]
- - [FFCC] The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries. Humanities Press, Atlantic Highlands 1981.
- Fern ndez, Adela [F,A/]
- - [PGM] Pre-Hispanic Gods of Mexico: Myths and Deities from Nahuatl Mythology. Panormam
Editorial, S.A., Mexico 1984.
- Fitzhardinge, L.F. [F,LF/]
- - [S] The Spartans. Thames and Hudson Ltd, London 1980.
- Fontenrose, Joseph [F,J/]
- - [CJF&FW] Correspondence between Joseph Fontenrose & myself. Manuscript letters, May-June
- - [PSDMO] Python: A Study of Delphic Myth and its Origins. University of California Press 1959.
- Forbes, Nevill [F,N/]
- - [FRG] Forbes Russian Grammar. {library book - publisher and year unrecorded}.
- Ford, Patrick [F,P/]
- - [MOMWT] The Mabinogi and Other Medieval Welsh Tales. University of California Press, Berkeley
- Frankfort et al, H & H.A. [F,H&HA/]
- - [BP] Before Philosophy: The Intellectual Adventure of Ancient Man. Penguin Books, Baltimore
- Frankfort, Prof. H. [F,H/]
- - [AER] Ancient Egyptian Religion: An Interpretation. Harper Torchbooks, The Cloister Library, New
York 1961.
- Frazer, Sir James George [F,JG/]
- - [GB] The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion. Macmillan Co, New York 1967.
- - [NGB] The New Golden Bough: A New Abridgement of the Classic Work by Sir James George
Frazer. Mentor Book, New American Library, New York 1964.
- Frewin, Anthony [F,A/]
- - [BD] The Book of Days. William Collins Sons and Co 1979.
- Friedrich, Paul [F,P/]
- - [MA] The Meaning of Aphrodite. University of Chicago Press 1978.
- Fucilla, Joseph G. [F,JG/]
- - [FSD] Fucilla Spanish Dictionary: Spanish-English, English-Spanish. Bantam Books, New York
- Fustel de Coulanges, Numa D. [FdC,ND/AC]
- - [AC] The Ancient City: A study on the Religion, Laws & Institutions of Greece & Rome. John
Hopkins University Press, Baltimore 1980.
- Gadon, Elinor W. [n/a]
- - [OFG] The Once and Future Goddess: A Symbol for Our Time. Harper San Francisco 1989.
- Gaster, Theodor [G,T/]
- - [TRMDANE] Thespis: Ritual, Myth and Drama in the Ancient Near East. W.W. Norton & Co, New
York 1977.
- Gimbutas, Marija [G,M/]
- - [GGOE] The Goddesses and Gods of Old Europe: Myths and Cult Images 6500 - 3500 BC.
University of California Press, Berkeley 1982.
- Gleason, Judith [G,L/]
- - [OIPG] Oya: In Praise of the Goddess. Shambhala Publications Ltd, Boston 1987.
- Godwin, Joscelyn [G,J/]
- - [MRAW] Mystery Religions in the Ancient World. Harper & Row, San Francisco 1981.
- Govinda, Lama Anagarika [G,LA/]
- - [FTM] Foundations of Tibetian Mysticism: According to the Esoteric Teachings of the Great Mantra
OM MANI PADME. Rider & Company, London 1969.
- Grahn, Judith [G,J/]
- - [ANT] Another Mother Tounge: Gay Words, Gay Worlds. Beacon Press, Boston 1984.
- Graves (intro), Robert [G,R/]
- - [NLEM] New Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology. Prometheus Press 1968.
- Graves, Robert [G,R/]
- - [KJ] King Jesus. Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, New York 1984.
- - [GMv1] The Greek Myths, Volume 1. Pelican Books 1964.
- - [GMv2] The Greek Myths, Volume 2. Pelican Books 1964.
- - [WG] The White Goddess: A Historical Grammar of Poetic Myth. Faber and Faber Ltd, London
- Gray, John [G,J/]
- - [NEM] Near Eastern Mythology. Peter Bedrick Books, New York 1982.
- Green, Miranda [G,M/]
- - [GC] The Gods of the Celts. Alan Sutton, Gloucester 1986.
- Greenough et al, J.B. [G,JB/]
- - [AGNLG] Allen and Greenough's New Latin Grammar: For Schools & Colleges, Founded on
Comparative Grammar. Ginn & Company 1916.
- Grimal (ed), Pierre [G,P/]
- - [LWM] Larousse World Mythology. Excalibur Books, New York 1981.
- Groger-Wurm, Helen M. [n/a]
- - [AABP] Australian Aboriginal Bark Paintings and Their Mythological Interpretation: Volume 1
Eastern Arnhem Land. Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, Canberra 1973.
- Gruffydd, W.J. [G,WJ/]
- - [RIFTBM] Rhiannon: An Inquiry Into the First and Third Branches of the Mabinogi. University of
Wales Press 1953.
- Guirand, F‚lix [G,F/]
- - [GM] Greek Mythology. Batchworth Press Ltd, Paul Hamlyn, London 1963.
- Hall, Nor [H,N/]
- - [MV] The Moon and the Virgin: Reflections on the Archetypal Feminine. Harper & Row, New York
- Harding, M. Esther [H,ME/]
- - [WMAM] Woman's Mysteries: Ancient and Modern. Harper Colophon Book 1976.
- Harrison, Jane Ellen [H,JE/]
- - [ESGRT] Epilegomen to the Study of Greek Religion & Themis. University Books, New York 1962.
- Hawkes, Jacquetta [H,J/]
- - [AEM] The Atlas of Early Man: Concurrent Developments Across the Ancient World 35,000 BC
- AD 500. Martin's Press, New York 1976.
- Henderson & Oakes [H&O/]
- - [WSMDRR] The Wisdom of the Serpent: the Myths of Death, Rebirth and Resurrection. George
Braziller, New York 1963.
- Hock, Dr Nancy [n/a]
- - [WAD] Women Auspicious and Divine: Images of Southeast Asia and India. Brochure for the March
1990 Exhibit. Asian Art Museum of San Francisco.
- Hollander, Lee M. [H,LM/]
- - [PE] The Poetic Edda. University of Texas Press, 1987.
- Hooke, S.H. [H,SH/]
- - [MEM] Middle Eastern Mythology. Pelican Book 1978.
- Howe, George [H,G/]
- - [HCM] A Handbook of Classical Mythology. F.S.Crofts & Co, New York 1929.
- Humez, A & N [H,A&N/]
- - [AOLTGA] Alpha to Omega: The Life and Times of the Greek Alphabet. David R. Godine, Boston
- Ions, Veronica [I,V/]
- - [EM] Egyptian Mythology. Peter Bedrick Books, Hamlyn Publishing Group 1983.
- - [IM] Indian Mythology. Paul Hamlyn 1973.
- Jackson, Kenneth Hurlston [J,KH/]
- - [CM] A Celtic Miscellany: Translations From the Celtic Literature. Penguin Books 1980.
- Kaster, Joseph [K,J/]
- - [PCMD] Putnam's Concise Mythological Dictionary. Capricorn Books, New York 1964.
- Kerényi, Karl [K,K/]
- - [AVM] Athene: Virgin and Mother in Greek Religion. Spring Publications, Switzerland 1978.
- - [GSM] Goddesses of Sun and Moon: Circe, Aphrodite, Medea, Niobe. Spring Publications, Inc.
University of Dallas 1979.
- - [GG] The Gods of the Greeks. Thames and Hudson 1982.
- Kinsley, David [K,D/]
- - [HGVDF] Hindu Goddesses: Visions of the Divine Feminine in the Hindu Religious Tradition.
University of California Press, Berkeley 1988.
- Kramer, Samuel Noah Editor [K,SN/]
- - [MAW] Mythologies of the Ancient World. Anchor Books 1961.
- Kramer, Samuel Noah [K,SN/]
- - [SM] Sumerian Mythology: A Study of Spiritual and Literary Achievement in the Third Millennium
B.C. University of Pennsylvannia Press, Philedelphia 1972.
- Kravitz, David [K,D/]
- - [WWGRM] Who's Who in Greek and Roman Mythology. Clarkson N. Potter, Inc, New York 1976.
- L, F.W. [L,FW/]
- - [LF] The Language of Flowers. Facsimile reproduction of original manuscript written in 1913.
- Lamy, Lucie [L,L/]
- - [EMNLASK] Egyptian Mysteries: New Light on Ancient Spiritual Knowledge. Crossroad, New York
- Langenscheidt's ed staff [LGED]
- - [LGED] Langenscheidt's German-English, English-German Dictionary. Pocket Books, New York
- Lawson, Anneli S. Rufus and Kristan [n/a]
- - [GSE] Goddess Sites: Europe. Harper San Francisco 1991
- Layard, John [L,J/]
- - [CQ] A Celtic Quest: Sexuality and Soul in Individuation. Spring Publications, Switzerland 1975.
- Le Mee, Jean Translator [LM,J/]
- - [HRV] Hymns from the Rig-Veda. Borzoi Book, Alfred A.Knopf, Inc 1975.
- Leach, Maria Editor [L,M/]
- - [FWSDFML] Funk & Wagnall's Standard Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology and Legend. Harper
& Row, San Francisco 1984.
- Lehner, Ernst [L,E]
- - [SSS] Symbols, Signs & Signets. Dover Publications, New York 1969.
- Lehner, Ernst and Johanna [L,E&J/]
- - [FSFPT] Folklore and Symbolism of Flowers, Plants and Trees. Tudor Publishing Company, New
York 1960.
- Liddell & Scott [L&S/]
- - [IGEL] An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon: Founded Upon Liddell & Scott's 7th Edition.
Clarendon Press, Oxford 1964.
- - [GEL] A Greek-English Lexicon. Sixth Edition. Clarendon Press, Oxford MDCCCLXIX.
- Lip, Evelyn [L,E/]
- - [CBS] Chinese Beliefs and Superstitions. Graham Brash, Singapore 1988.
- Long, Charles H. [L,CH/]
- - [AMC] Alpha: The Myths of Creation. Collier Books 1969.
- Long, George [G,L/]
- - [FC] The Folklore Calendar. EP Publishing Ltd 1977.
- Luke, Helen M. [L,HM/]
- - [WES] Woman, Earth and Spirit: The Feminine in Symbol and Myth. Crossroad, New York 1984.
- Lurker, Manfred [L,M/]
- - [GSAE] The Gods and Symbols of Ancient Egypt. Thames & Hudson 1984.
- Mac Cana, Proinsias [MC,P/]
- - [CM] Celtic Mythology. Peter Bedricks, New York 1985.
- Mackenzie, Donald A. [M,DA/]
- - [MBA] Myths of Babylonia and Assyria. Gresham Publishing Co. [no year].
- - [MCPE] Myths of Crete and Pre-Hellenic Europe. Gresham Publishing Co. [ibid].
- - [TML] Teutonic Myth and Legend. Gresham Publishing Co. [ibid].
- magazine(s) [mag/]
- - [MBCB] Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batara. Printed in the Netherlands 1974.
- - [NGv#n#] National Geographic, Volume # Number #.
- - [SNv#n#] Science News: The Weekly News Magazine of Science, Volume # Number #. Science
Service Inc, Washington annu.
- Marriott et al, Alice [M,A/]
- - [PIM] Plains Indian Mythology. Mentor, New American Library 1975.
- Masters, Robert [M,R/]
- - [GSWFB] The Goddess Sekhmet: The Way of the Five Bodies. Amity House, New York 1988.
- Matthews, Caitl¡n [n/a]
- - [SGW] Sophia, Goddess of Wisdom: the Divine Feminine from Black Goddess to World Soul.
Aquarian/Thorsons 1992.
- Matthews, W.H. [M,WH/]
- - [MLHD] Mazes and Labyrinths: Their History and Development. Dover Publications, Inc, New York
- Mayrhofer, Manfred [M,M/]
- - [SG] A Sanskrit Grammar. {library book - publisher and year unrecorded}.
- McEvedy, Colin [M,C/]
- - [PAAH] The Penguin Atlas of Ancient History. Penguin Books 1985.
- McMullen, Roy [M,R/]
- - [ML] Mona Lisa, The Picture and the Myth. Houghton Mifflin Co, Boston 1975.
- Meeus, Jean [M,J/]
- - [AT] Astronomical Tables. {from John Mosley, Griffith Observatory, L.A. 1988}.
- Mercante, Anthony S. [M,A/]
- - [MG] The Magic Garden: The Myth and Folklore of Flowers, Plants, Trees and Herbs. {not in my
possession - publisher & year unrecorded}.
- Mercatante, Anthony S. [M,AS/]
- - [WWEM] Who's Who in Egyptian Mythology. Clarkson N. Potter, Inc, New York 1978.
- Michell, John [M,J/]
- - [WSM] The Earth Spirit: Its Ways, Shrines and Mysteries. Crossroad, New York 1975.
- Monaghan, Patricia [M,P/]
- - [BGH] The Book of Goddesses and Heroines. E.P. Dutton 1981.
- Mor, Barbara
- see Sjöö
- Mookerjee, Ajit [,A]
- - [F] Kali, the Feminine Force. Destiny Books, New York 1988.
- Morgan, Elaine [M,E/]
- - [DW] The Descent of Woman. Bantam Books, New York 1979.
- Morris, William Editor [M,W/]
- - AHDEL The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. Houghton Mifflin Co, Boston
- Morrison, Berenice L. [M,BL/]
- - [USNOC112] United States Naval Observatory Circulars Nos 112 - Phases of the Moon 1800-1959.
U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington 1966.
- Morrison, Berenice L. [M,BL/]
- - [USNOC119] United States Naval Observatory Circular No. 119 - Phases of the Moon 1960-2003.
U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington 1968.
- Morrison, Diana [M,D/]
- - [GSSTI] A Glossary of Sanskrit: From the Spiritual Tradition of India. Nilgiri Press, Petaluma,
California 1984.
- Moscati, Sabatino [n/a]
- - [WP] The World of the Phoenicians, translated by Alastair Hamilton. Sphere Books Ltd, Gray's Inn
Road, London 1973.
- Mountford, Charles P. [M,CP/]
- - [DAAM] The Dreamtime: Austalian Aboriginal Myths. Rigby Ltd, Adelaide, Sydney 1973.
- Murchie, Guy [M,G/]
- - [MSmac] Music of the Spheres: The Material Universe from Atom to Quasar, Simply Explained.
Volume 1 The Macrocosm. Dover Publications, New York 1967.
- - [MSmic] Music of the Spheres: The Material Universe from Atom to Quasar, simply Explained.
Volume 2 The Microcosm. Dover Publications, New York 1967.
- - [SML] The Seven Mysteries of Life: An Exploration in Science and Philosophy. Houghton Mifflin
Co, Boston 1978.
- Murphey, Edith Van Allen [M,EVA/]
- - [IUNP] Indian Uses of Native Plants. Mendocino County Historical Society, Fort Bragg, CA 1959.
- Mylonas, George E. [M,GE/]
- - [EEM] Eleusis: And the Eleusinian Mysteries. Princeton University Press, New Jersey 1974.
- Neumann, Erich [N,E/]
- - [GM] The Great Mother: An Analysis of the Archetype. Princeton University Press, Bollingen Series XLVII 1974.
- Nobel, Margaret (Sister Nivedita) - [Nobel]
- - [KM] Kali the Mother. Published by Advaita Ashrama, Mayavati, Pithoragarh, Himalayas. 1983
- Niethammer, Carolyn [N,C/]
- - [DE] Daughters of the Earth: The Lives & Legends of American Indian Women. Collier MacMillan,
New York 1978.
- O'Flaherty, Wendy D. Introduced by [O'F,WD/]
- - [HM] Hindu Myths: A Sourcebook Translated from the Sanskrit. Penguin Books 1978.
- Ober, J. Hambleton [O,JH/]
- - [WMGI] Writing, Man's Great Invention. {Library book - publisher and year unrecorded}.
- Oda, Mayumi [O,M/]
- - [G] Goddesses. Lancaster-Miller Publishers 1981.
- Ogg, Oscar [O,O/]
- - [TL] The Twenty-six letters. {library book - publisher and year unrecorded}.
- Olschak, Blanche Christine, in collaboration with Gesh‚ Thupten Wangyal [n/a]
- - [MAAT] Mystic Art of Ancient Tibet. Shambhala, Boston and London 1987.
- Olson (ed), Carl [O,C/]
- - [BGPP] The Book of the Goddess Past and Present. Crossroad, New York 1983.
- Onions (ed) et al, C.T. [O,CT/]
- - [ODEE] The Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology. Oxford University Press 1966.
- Osborne, Harold [O,H/]
- - [SAM] South American Mythology. Paul Hamlyn 1968.
- Parrinder, Geoffrey Editor [P,G/]
- - [WR] World Religions: From Ancient History to the Present. Hamlyn Publishing Group Ltd 1983.
- Parrinder, Geoffrey [P,G/]
- - [AM] African Mythology. Paul Hamlyn 1967.
- Partridge, Eric [P,E/]
- - [OSEDME] Origins: A Short Etymological Dictionary of Modern English. Greenwich House, New
York 1983.
- Passmore (ed), Nancy F.W. [P,NFW/]
- - [LC] The '83 Lunar Calendar: Dedicated to the Goddess in Her Many Guises. Luna Press, Boston
- Patai, Raphael [P,R/]
- - [HG] The Hebrew Goddess. Discus Book, Avon Books 1978.
- Patrick (intro), Richard [P,R/]
- - [ACBEM] All Color Book of Egyptian Mythology. Crescent Books, New York 1972.
- Pei, Mario [P,M/]
- - [SL] The Story of Language. Meridian Books 1984.
- Pendlesonn, K.R.G. [P,KRG/]
- - [V] The Vikings. Windward, New York 1980.
- Pennick, Nigel [n/a]
- - [GG] Games of the Gods, The Origin of Board Games in Magic and Divination. Samuel weiser, Inc.,
York Beach, Maine 1989.
- Perowne, Stewart [P,S/]
- - [RM] Roman Mythology. Paul Hamlyn 1969.
- Philby, H. St John [P,HSJ/]
- - [QS] The Queen of Sheba. Quartet Books, London 1981.
- Piggott, Juliet [P,J/]
- - [JM] Japanese Mythology. The Hamlyn Publishing Group Ltd 1973.
- Piggott, Stuart [P,S/]
- - [D] The Druids. Thames and Hudson 1986.
- Pocock, Chris [P,C/]
- - [CN] Class notes - on The Goddess in Antiquity. Manuscript 1980.
- Poignant, Roslyn [P,R/]
- - [OM] Oceanic Mythology. Paul Hamlyn 1967.
- Powell, T.G.E. [P,TGE/]
- - [C] The Celts. Thames & Hudson 1980.
- Pritchard (ed), James B. [P,JB/]
- - [ANEv1] The Ancient Near East: An New Anthology of Texts and Pictures. Volume 1. Princeton
University Press 1975.
- - [ANEv2] The Ancient Near East: An New Anthology of Texts and Pictures. Volume 2. Princeton
University Press 1975.
- Radice, Betty [R,B/]
- - [WWAW] Who's Who in the Ancient World, A Handbook to the Survivors of the Greek and Roman
Classics. Penguin Books 1973.
- Ramanujan, A.K. [R,AK/]
- - [SS] Speaking of Siva. Penguin Classics, Maryland 1973.
- Rawson & Legeza [R&L/]
- - [TEPTC] Tao: The Eastern Philosophy of Time and Change. Avon Books 1973.
- Rawson, Philip [R,P/]
- - [TICE] Tantra: The Indian Cult of Ecstasy. Thames & Hudson 1979.
- Read, Sir Herbert Introduction by [n/a]
- - [BAv1-9] Book of Art, Volumes 1-9. Grolier, Inc, New York 1967.
- Reed, A.W. [R,AW/]
- - [MML] Maori Myth and Legend. A.H. & A.W. Reed Ltd., Wellington 1983.
- - [MMSWM] Maori Myth: The Supernatural World of the Maori. A.H. & A.W. Reed Ltd., Wellington
- Renfrew, Colin [n/a]
- - [ALPIO] Archaeology and Language: The Puzzle of Indo-European Origins. Cambridge University
Press, New York. (c) 1987.
- Rhys, John [R,J/]
- - [CFv1] Celtic Folklore: Welsh and Manx, Volume 1. Wildwood House, London 1980.
- - [CFv2] Celtic Folklore: Welsh and Manx, Volume 2. Wildwood House, London 1980.
- Richardson, Emeline [R,E/]
- - [ES] Etruscan Sculptures. Mentor-Unesco Art Book, The New American Library 1966.
- [ETAC] The Etruscans: Their Art and Civilization. The University of Chicago Press 1964.
- Roget, Peter Mark [R,PM/]
- - [TEWP] Thesaurus of English Words & Phrases: Classified & Arranged so as to Facilitate the
Expression of Ideas, etc. Thomas Y. Crowell & Co, New York 1902.
- Romanov et al, A.S. [R,AS/]
- - [RPRE] Romanov's Pocket Russian-English, English-Russian Dictionary: with especial emphasis on
American English. Pocket Books, New York 1964.
- Rose, H.J. [R,HJ/]
- - [HGM] A Handbook of Greek Mythology: Including its extension of Rome. E.P.Dutton Paperback,
New York 1959.
- Rose, Jeanne [R,J/]
- - [HBB] The Herbal Body Book. Grosset & Dunlap, A Filmways Company, New York 1976.
- Rufus, Anneli S. see Lawson
- Schafer, Edward H. [S,EH/]
- - [DW] The Divine Woman: Dragon Ladies and Rain Maidens. North Point Press, San Francisco 1980.
- Schauss, Hayyim [S,H/]
- - [JF] The Jewish Festivals: History and Observance. Schocken Books, New York 1962.
- Schwaller de Lubicz, Isha [SdL,I/]
- - [H] Her-Bak: An Egyptian Initiate. Inner Traditions International Ltd 1978.
- Sharkey, John [S,J/]
- - [CM] Celtic Mysteries: The Ancient Religion. Thames and Hudson 1979.
- Shipley, Joseph T. [S,JT/]
- - [DEE] Dictionary of Early English. Littlefield, Adams & Co, Patterson, New Jersey 1963.
- - [DWO] Dictionary of Word Origins. Philosophical Library 1985.
- Showerman, Grant [S,G/]
- - [GMG] The Great Mother of the Gods. Argonaut Inc, Publishers, Chicago MCMLXIX 1969.
- Sjoestedt, Marie-Louise [S,M/]
- - [GHC] Gods and Heroes of the Celts. Turtle Island Foundation, Berkeley 1982.
- Sjöö, Monica and Barbara Mor [n/a]
- - [GCM] The Great Cosmic Mother: Rediscovering the Religion of the Earth. Harper & Row, San
Francisco 1987.
- Skeat, Rev. Walter W. [S,W/]
- - [EDEL] An Etymological Dictionary of the English Language. Clarendon Press, Oxford 1974.
- - [CET] A Concise Etymological Dictionary. {no longer in my possession - publisher & year
- Slater, Phillip E. [S,PE/]
- - [GH] The Glory of Hera: Greek Mythology and the Greek Family. Beacon Press, Boston 1971.
- Smith, Homer W. [S,HW/]
- - [MHG] Man and His Gods. Grosset & Dunlap, New York 1971.
- Spretnak, Charlene [S,C/]
- - [LGEG] Lost Goddesses of Early Greece. Moon Books 1978.
- Squire, Charles [S,C/]
- - [CML] Celtic Myth and Legend: Poetry and Romance. Newcastle Publishing Co 1975.
- Stangos et al, Nikos [S,N/]
- - [GPB] Greek Phrase Book. Penguin Books Ltd, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England 1973.
- Starhawk [S/]
- - [SD] The Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess. Harper & Row,
San Francisco 1979.
- Stewart, Bob [S,B/]
- - [PIEF] Pagan Imagery in English Folksong. Humanities Press 1977.
- Stone, Merlin [S,M/]
- - [AMWv1] Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood: Our Goddess and Heroine Heritage. Volume 1. New
Sibylline Books 1979.
- - [AMWv2] Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood: Our Goddess and Heroine Heritage. Volume 2. New
Sibylline Books 1979.
- - [WGW] When God was a Woman. Harvest/HBJ Book, New York & London 1978.
- Storer et al, Tracy [S,T/]
- - [GZ] General Zoology. McGraw-Hill Book Co, New York 1957.
- Stutley, Margaret & James [S,M&J/]
- - [HDH] Harper's Dictionary of Hinduism: Its Mythology, Folklore, Philosophy, Literature & History.
Harper & Row, Great Britain 1977.
- Székely, Edmond editor and translator [n/a]
- - [GPJC] The Gospel of Peace of Jesus Christ by the Disciple John. The C.W. Daniel Company
Limited, England 1990.
- Talbott, David N. [T,DN/]
- - [SM] The Saturn Myth. Doubleday & Co, New York 1980.
- Thomas, Robert B. [T,RB/]
- - [OFA'yr] The Old Farmer's Almanac. {no publisher listed}.
- Thorsson, Edred [T,E]
- - [FHRM] Futhark: A Handbook of Rune Magic. Samuel Weiser, Inc. York Beach, Maine 1984.
- Tisdall, William St. Clair [T,WSC/]
- - [HCG] Hindustani Conversational Grammar. {library book - publisher and year unrecorded}.
- Tonybee, J.M.C. [T,JMC/]
- - [DBRW] Death and Burial in the Roman World. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York 1982.
- Upjohn et al, E.M. [U,EM/]
- - [HWA] History of World Art. Oxford University Press 1949.
- Upton, George P. and Borowski, Felix[n/a]
- - [SCG] The Standard Concert Guide. Blue Ribbon Books, New York, 1940.
Van Over (ed), Raymond [VO,R/]
- - [SSCM] Sun Songs: Creation Myths from around the World. Meridian: New American Library, New
York 1984.
- Vermaseren, Maarten J. [V,MJ/]
- - [CAMC] Cybele and Attis, The Myth and the Cult. Thames and Hudson 1977.
- Vermeule, Cornelius C. [unrecorded - or anon]
- - [GRARE] The Goddess Roma in the Art of the Roman Empire. Mass. 1959. Sold by Spink & Son
Ltd. England. Roma as seen through a study of Roman coins. {library book, not in my possession}.
- von Franz, Marie-Louise [vF,M/]
- - [TRR] Time: Rhythm and Repose. Thames and Hudson 1978.
- Von Hagen, Victor W. [VH,VW/]
- - [RI] Realm of the Incas: Uncovered Treasures of Peru. Mentor: Ancient Civilizations. The New
American Library 1960.
- Walker, Barbara G. [W,B/]
- - [WDSSO] The Woman's Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects. Harper & Row, San Francisco
- [WEMS] The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets. Harper & Row 1983.
- Wasson et al, R.Gordon [W,RG/]
- - [RE] The Road to Eleusis: Unveiling the Secret of the Mysteries. A Helen & Kurt Wolff Book,
Harvest/HBJ 1978.
- Webster, Graham [W,G/]
- - [CRRB] Celtic Religion in Roman Britain. Barnes & Noble Books, New Jersey 1987.
- Weigle, Marta [n/a]
- - [SSWM] Spiders & Spinsters: Women and Mythology. University of New Mexico Press,
Alberquerque 1985.
- Werner, E.T.C. [W,ETC/]
- - [DCM] Dictionary of Chinese Mythology. Julian Press 1961.
- Wessely, J.E. [W,JE/]
- - [JCID] Junior Classic Italian Dictionary: Italian-English, English-Italian Dictionary. Wilcox & Follett
Co, Chicago 1955.
- Whitmont, Edward C. [W,EC/]
- - [RTG] Return of The Goddess. Crossroad, New York 1984.
- Whittaker, Clio, contributing editor [n/a]
- - [IOM] An Introduction to Oriental Mythology. Chartwell Books, Secaucus, New Jersey 1989.
- Wind, Edgar [W,E/]
- - [PMR] Pagan Mysteries in the Renaissance: An Exploration of the Philosophical & Mystical Sources
of Iconography. W.W. Norton & Company, Inc 1968.
- Wolkstein et al, Diane [K,SN&W/]
- - [IQHE] Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth. Harper & Row, New York 1983.
- Woodroffe, Sir John [W,J/]
- - [HGHK] Hymns to the Goddess and Hymn to Kali. Lotus Light Publications, Wilmot, Wisconsin
- Zerubavel, Eviatar [Z,E/]
- - [SDC] The Seven Day Circle: The History and Meaning of the Week. The Free Press, A Division
of Macmillan, Inc, New York 1985.
- Zimmer, Heinrich [Z,H/]
- - [KC] The King and the Corpse: Tales of the Soul's Conquest of Evil. Princeton University Press,
Bolligen Series XI 1970.
- Zolla, Elemire [Z,E/]
- - [ARMF] The Androgyne: Reconciliation of Male and Female. Crossroad Publishing Co 1981.
Return to the top of this document. last printed: April 1994 - last worked on: July
[author code]: Author codes in square brackets are no longer used, but retained for
identifying older forms of referencing. [n/a] in this position
indicates books added to the bibliography since change in referencing method.
[title code]: Title codes in square brackets are only used to distinguish between books
when more than one book
by the author in question has been used as a resource in Her Cycle of Transformations.